2012年4月1日 - 主感動Anne姐妹給聖徒們的信息

April 1, 2012 Monthly Message
On the first of every month, our Lord gives Anne a new message about His call to service.

April 1, 2012
Dear apostles, I urge you to spend time with Me. The companionship you choose affects you and affects your outlook and behavior. Perhaps you believe that you can spend time with worldly pursuits and with worldly companionship and still maintain your interior life. Perhaps this is true. And perhaps it is not true. Please look at your life honestly and determine whether or not you are spending enough time with Me. If you are spending time resting in concepts that are eternal, your mind and heart will be in harmony. You will become less influenced by events and you will become less distracted. You will trust more and understand that heaven is advancing its interests through many means. You will, if you are spending time with Me, develop a keen interest in the Spirit that is moving the Church forward into a new time of fidelity and purity. Yes, renewal will become a reality in your heart and you will watch all change with hope and confidence. Dearest apostles, I am your reality. I am your King. If you will give Me time and attention, I will transform your life into a source of light for others. This is My plan for you. Be assured that whatever your suffering, whatever your condition today, I can renew you. I want to give you courage and strength. I want you to understand the Spirit moving through the Church and into the world. I want this very much. Allow Me, please, to have a companion in you and you will become one who rejoices in God every day, even if you are suffering. I am with you, dear apostles. I am watching closely as you move through your life. Be close to Me and all will be well.



親愛的聖徒們,我強烈呼籲你花時間與我共處。你選擇是否與我為伴,會影響你、你的觀點和行為舉止。或許你認為你可以花時間在世俗的追求上並與世界為友,同時仍可以維持你的內在生命。這也許是真的;也許不是真的。請誠實地審察自己的生命,並決定你是否要花足夠的時間與我共處。如果你將時間運用在永恆的思想上, 你的頭腦和心靈便能達到和諧一致。你就比較不會受到各樣事情所影響,也較不會受干擾分心。你會更加確信且明白,天國正透過許多方式將它的權力發展出來。如你花時間與我同在,你將會逐漸對聖靈產生熱衷興趣,而聖靈正帶領著教會進入忠貞與純潔的嶄新時代。是的,更新會在你的心裡成為事實,而你會懷著盼望和信心注視著這一切變化。摯愛的聖徒,我是你的真實存在。我是你的君王。如果你將時間和注意力集中在我身上,我會將你的生命轉化成為帶給他人的光源。這就是我對你的計畫。要確信,無論你在苦難中,無論你今天的光景如何,我都能使你更新。我要給你勇氣和力量。我要你明白聖靈正運行在教會裡,從而進入了世界。我亟欲如此。請讓我與你為伴,你就會成為每天在神裡歡喜快樂的人,甚至在患難中喜樂。親愛的聖徒,我就在你身邊,當你在生活中持續前進時,我正仔細看顧你。靠近我,一切都會變好的。

